Tina Jones Neurological shadow health assessment Lifespan & Questions (2024)

Table of Contents
Tina’s three-year-old neighbor presents to the clinic with fever, neck pain, headache, and confusion. He has no symptoms of an upper respiratory infection. The parents mention that they do not believe in immunizations. Based on the information given, what diagnosis is of the greatest concern? What is your next action? CHAT US TO PLACE OUR ORDER AND SCORE 100% Tina’s 83-year-old great uncle forgets where he is during his yearly check-up. He doesn’t remember if he’s had memory problems before and no family members came to your office with him. List your differential diagnosis. What assessments would you perform? Tina Jones Neurological shadow health assessment Lifespan & Review Questions To assess spinal levels L2, L3 and L4 in Tina, which deep tendon reflexes would have to be tested? Imagine that you were preparing to irrigate a Foley catheter of a patient with a spinal cord injury at T4 in a urology clinic. Upon moving the leg bag, the patient became suddenly flushed and diaphoretic above the nipple line. What would you suspect was happening? Which of the following is not a common symptom of Parkinson’s disease? Name at least three ways to assess cerebellar function during a physical exam. If Tina had a fever and photophobia, you would have had to test for meningitis. Describe how you would have tested for the Kernig’s sign. Suppose you assessed pain sensation over Tina’s left foot, and noticed that she had decreased sensation. How would you have proceeded with your exam? FAQs References

Posted on June 3, 2021


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Table of Contents

Lifespan Activity Time: 10 min

Tina’s three-year-old neighbor presents to the clinic with fever, neck pain, headache, and confusion. He has no symptoms of an upper respiratory infection. The parents mention that they do not believe in immunizations. Based on the information given, what diagnosis is of the greatest concern? What is your next action?

Student Response:Rule out bacterial meningitis, there was no immunizations to increase meningitis risk.

Model Note:Bacterial Meningitis needs to be ruled out immediately. He has not had immunizations which puts him at increased risk for meningitis from Haemophilus influenzae type B. Seizure disorder does not cause fever. Children with immunodeficiency syndrome are at increased risk for meningitis but this child has no previous history of chronic infections. Although children with strep throat can present with fever and neck pain, they are not confused. He needs an immediate spinal tap to determine the nature of the meningitis, and broad spectrum antibiotics should be started as soon as possible. He should be sent to the emergency room.


Tina’s 83-year-old great uncle forgets where he is during his yearly check-up. He doesn’t remember if he’s had memory problems before and no family members came to your office with him. List your differential diagnosis. What assessments would you perform? Tina Jones Neurological shadow health assessment Lifespan & Review Questions

Student Response:Differential diagnosis include stroke, dementia, electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, infection and drug toxicity. An Neurological assessment can rule out stroke and transient ischemic attack. Urinalysis should rule out uti.

Model Note:Differential diagnosis includes stroke, transient ischemic attack, dementia, infection, electrolyte imbalance, dehydration and drug toxicity. The provider should do a neurological assessment to rule out stroke and TIA. Visualization of mucous membranes and skin assessment for tenting is indicated to rule out dehydration. A urinalysis should be performed to rule out a urinary tract infection which is a common cause of confusion in the elderly. He should be asked questions about his medication intake and medical history in case he retains some memory. If he is completely disoriented, family members should be contacted, if possible, to gain more information. Tina Jones Neurological shadow health assessment Lifespan & Review Questions

Review Questions Activity Time: 6 min

To assess spinal levels L2, L3 and L4 in Tina, which deep tendon reflexes would have to be tested?

Correct:The patellar deep tendon reflex involves the sensory and motor nerve fibers associated with spinal segments L2, L3, and L4. Location of abnormal reflexes may be helpful in identifying neurological pathologies of the spine.

  • Achilles
  • Biceps
  • Patellar (Correct Response)
  • Triceps

Imagine that you were preparing to irrigate a Foley catheter of a patient with a spinal cord injury at T4 in a urology clinic. Upon moving the leg bag, the patient became suddenly flushed and diaphoretic above the nipple line. What would you suspect was happening?

Correct:Autonomic dysreflexia is the sudden increase in blood pressure caused by dysregulation of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems reacting to a noxious stimulus below the site of spinal injury. Other symptoms include bradycardia, anxiety, blurred vision, headache, flushing, and sweating Tina Jones Neurological shadow health assessment Lifespan & Review Questions. The noxious stimulus (pulling of the Foley catheter) should be alleviated to resolve the condition.

  • Odynophagia
  • Febrile reaction
  • Idiopathic spinal reaction
  • Autonomic dysreflexia (Correct Response)

Which of the following is not a common symptom of Parkinson’s disease?

Correct:Parkinson’s disease is characterized by tremors at rest, bradykinesia, cogwheel rigidity, postural instability, festination, lack of facial expression, reduced arm swing, autonomic and neuroendocrine dysfunctions, and a variety of psychological issues such as depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbances.

  • Lack of facial expression
  • Festination
  • Cogwheel rigidity
  • Intention tremors (Correct Response)

Name at least three ways to assess cerebellar function during a physical exam.

Student Response:Test cerebellar function by assessing gait and instructing the patient to perform the finger-to-finger, finger-to-nose, heel-to-shin, rapid alternating movements Tina Jones Neurological shadow health assessment Lifespan & Review Questions

Model Note:The cerebellum is responsible for smooth and accurate coordination of voluntary movements. You can test cerebellar function by assessing gait and by instructing the patient to perform the finger-to-finger, finger-to-nose, heel-to-shin, rapid alternating movements, and Romberg tests.

If Tina had a fever and photophobia, you would have had to test for meningitis. Describe how you would have tested for the Kernig’s sign.

Student Response:flex the knee and hip when the patient is supine,at a right angle with the flexed knee. Straighten the leg at knee.

Model Note:The test for Kernig’s sign is used to identify meningeal irritation. To perform the test, flex the leg at the knee and hip when the patient is supine, making a right angle with the flexed knee. Then attempt to straighten the leg at the knee. Resistance and pain in the lower back constitute a positive Kernig’s sign, indicating meningeal irritation.

Suppose you assessed pain sensation over Tina’s left foot, and noticed that she had decreased sensation. How would you have proceeded with your exam?

Student Response:Assess bilateral sensations from feet and up the legs since the client is at risk of diabetic nephropathy.

Model Note:Because Tina is at risk for diabetic neuropathy, it is important to assess bilateral sensations starting at her feet and proceeding up the legs. Sensation tests should include sharp and dull touch, light touch, vibration, temperature, point location, and positioning of joints. Superficial and deep tendon reflexes of the feet, ankles, and knees should also be assessed to determine the extent of her neuropathy. Tina Jones Neurological shadow health assessment Lifespan & Review Questions

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Tina Jones Neurological shadow health assessment Lifespan & Questions (2024)


What questions are asked during a neurological assessment? ›

Examples of specific subjective questions for the older adult include the following:
  • Have you ever had a head injury or recent fall?
  • Do you experience any shaking or tremors of your hands? ...
  • Have you had any weakness, numbness, or tingling in any of your extremities?

What is a differential diagnosis for Tina Jones neurological shadow health? ›

Tina Jones Neurological shadow health assessment Lifespan & Review Questions. Student Response: Differential diagnosis include stroke, dementia, electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, infection and drug toxicity. An Neurological assessment can rule out stroke and transient ischemic attack. Urinalysis should rule out uti.

What are the 5 steps in the neurological assessment? ›

Routine neurological exams performed by registered nurses during their daily clinical practice include assessing mental status and level of consciousness, pupillary response, motor strength, sensation, and gait.

What are red flags in neurological examination? ›

Change in behavior. Fatigue. Change in balance or coordination. Numbness or tingling in the arms or legs.

What are the 7 components of a neurological assessment? ›

A complete neurologic examination should contain an assessment of sensorium, cognition, cranial nerves, motor, sensory, cerebellar, gait, reflexes, meningeal irritation, and long tract signs.

What are four things neurologists check during a neurological exam? ›

Generally speaking, the following nerves and bodily functions are tested:
  • Cranial nerves. Everyone has twelve cranial (brain) nerves. ...
  • Motor system and coordination. ...
  • Sensation. ...
  • Cognitive abilities, memory and mind. ...
  • Vegetative nervous system.
May 4, 2023

What is the most important assessment of neurological status? ›

The neurologic examination is typically divided into eight components: mental status; skull, spine and meninges; cranial nerves; motor examination; sensory examination; coordination; reflexes; and gait and station. The mental status is an extremely important part of the neurologic examination that is often overlooked.

Why does a neurologist look at your tongue? ›

A neurologist may look at the patient's tongue as part of a neurological exam to evaluate cranial nerve function. The tongue is controlled by several cranial nerves, and observing its movement can provide information about potential neurological issues.

What is a medical professional looking for when they perform neurological assessments? ›

What does a neuro exam entail?
  • Mental status (cognition) and speech.
  • Cranial nerve (nerves of your head and face) function.
  • Strength, coordination and muscle tone.
  • Reflexes (such as “knee jerk”) and others.
  • Perception of feeling in different parts of your body to different stimulation, like touch and vibration.

What is the most sensitive indicator for the neuro exam? ›

A change in the patient's LOC is the most sensitive indicator of a neurological problem. The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and Full Outline of UnResponsiveness (FOUR) Score are useful tools to evaluate a patient's LOC.

What is the most sensitive indicator of neurologic deterioration? ›

Level of consciousness (LOC) is a sensitive indicator of neurologic function and is typically assessed based on the Glascow Coma Scale including eye opening, verbal response, and motor response. Document your patient's LOC based on the following categories.

How long does a neurological exam take? ›

During a typical exam, which lasts about an hour, neurologists test the functioning of the nervous system, a complex entity that consists of the brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, and peripheral nerves.

Which 5 observations are part of a neurological assessment? ›

A neurological assessment involves checking the patient in the main areas in which changes are most likely to occur:
  • Level of consciousness.
  • Pupillary reaction.
  • Motor function.
  • Sensory function.
  • Vital signs.
Jun 24, 2021

What is the checklist for a neurological exam? ›

The neurologic examination is typically divided into eight components: mental status; skull, spine and meninges; cranial nerves; motor examination; sensory examination; coordination; reflexes; and gait and station. The mental status is an extremely important part of the neurologic examination that is often overlooked.

What does a neurological exam tell you? ›

A neurological exam evaluates brain and nervous system functioning. It's a series of tests that assesses mental status, reflexes, movements and more. You may benefit from this test if you show signs of a neurological disorder.

How long does a neurological examination take? ›

The duration of a neurological exam varies depending on the complexity of the patient's condition. Typically, the exam takes around 30-60 minutes and is not painful. Patients may feel discomfort during some tests, but these are typically brief and well-tolerated.


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