Best Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs and Your Home (2024)

Best Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs and Your Home (1)

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Spring and summer are times when the lure of the great outdoors calls to us and our dogs, but they also just happen to be peak flea and tick season for much of the country, and with changes in climate, peak seasons are extending even further. No matter how careful you are, it’s impossible for your dog to totally avoid fleas and ticks if they spend any time outside. The best flea and tick prevention for dogs is a combination of effective products and consistent use. Your dog and your household will thank you for taking flea and tick prevention seriously.

Effective Flea & Tick Prevention for Dogs

The best flea and tick preventatives for dogs on the market today are safer and more effective than what was available even a decade ago. Our choices for dog flea and tick products have grown exponentially over the years, but it’s still important to consider your dog’s safety when using any product. Talk with your veterinarian to decide on the right flea and tick prevention regimen that will fit your dog’s age, health, breed, and the area where you live or vacation. Your vet will also consider whether you have more than one pet, have dogs that swim, or have young children in your household.

Choices for flea and tick preventatives include:

Choosing the Best Flea & Tick Prevention for Dogs

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) cautions pet owners that parasite protection is not “one-size-fits-all.” Some products should not be used on very young puppies or senior dogs. Some dog breeds may be sensitive to certain ingredients that can make them extremely ill. The AVMA suggests that you ask your veterinarian the following questions when you’re looking for the best and safest flea and tick prevention option for your dog:

  • What parasites does this product protect against?
  • How often should I use/apply the product?
  • How long will it take for the product to work?
  • If I see a flea or tick, does that mean it’s not working?
  • What should I do if my pet has a reaction to the product?
  • Is there a need for more than one product?
  • How would I apply or use multiple products on my pet?

Your vet is your best source of advice for your individual dog. You can always ask questions about your chosen flea and tick program once you start it, or learn from your vet about new products that are coming onto the market. Choosing the best flea and tick preventatives help you and your pet avoid the bites that can cause illness or other symptoms.

Tick Bite Prevention to Prevent Disease

Diseases spread through tick bites can cause a range of symptoms and, in some cases, can even kill your dog. Ticks can carry and spread several debilitating diseases, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, and babesiosis.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that vaccines are not available for most of the tick-borne diseases that dogs can contract. These diseases can be very difficult to recognize and are easily misdiagnosed due to varied and vague symptoms. Treatments for tick-borne illnesses in dogs are also lengthy and can be very costly.

AKC Chief Veterinary Officer Dr. Jerry Klein suggests doing daily tick checks on your dog during tick season, in addition to consistently using a tick preventative treatment. A tick bite takes about 12 hours to transmit the bacteria anaplasma and 24 to 36 hours to transmit Lyme disease, for example. Locating and carefully removing ticks from your dog as soon as possible can help reduce the risk for these kinds of tick-borne illnesses.

Flea Bite Prevention to Prevent Itching & Illness

Symptoms of flea bites in dogs include itching and scratching, redness, flaky skin, scabs, hot spots, and hair loss. If your dog is allergic to fleas, you may notice these uncomfortable symptoms and more if they get infested with fleas. Just one flea bite can send a flea-allergic dog into a whirlwind of scratching, biting, and chewing at their skin.

Fleas are also the most common cause of tapeworms in dogs. When dogs are bitten by a flea, they will usually chew at the spot where the flea bit their skin. Often, they will swallow the flea in the process. Fleas carry the larvae of the tapeworm inside their bodies, and when your dog swallows a flea, these tapeworm larvae will mature into adult tapeworms inside your dog’s intestines. Fleas have also been known to cause anemia from blood loss in heavily infested dogs.

Flea & Tick Prevention for Your Household

People are also vulnerable to many of the complications and diseases that ticks and fleas can cause. One more reason to practice flea and tick prevention with your dog is to help keep your home, other pets, and family free from an infestation.

You already know fleas and ticks can lurk in your yard, but these pests can also catch a ride on your dog and set up home in (and breed in) your carpets and furniture. Vacuuming your carpets regularly can help, but it won’t necessarily kill fleas, ticks, or their eggs and larvae. If fleas and ticks have come into your home and taken up residence rent-free, you may need to use a flea- and tick-killing product to eliminate them and avoid having them reinfest your dog and other pets.

Choices for household flea and tick prevention include:

Before using any flea or tick product in your home, be sure to read the package label thoroughly and follow all usage instructions.

Flea & Tick Protection for Multi-Pet Households

It’s important that you understand and follow all of the warnings or instructions for flea and tick products that may apply not only to dogs, but to any other pets you may have in your home: cats, fish, birds, reptiles, or rodents. Products containing essential oils or certain insecticides may not be safe to use around cats or birds, for example. Always check with your veterinarian to confirm these kinds of household flea and tick treatments are safe to use with your individual pets.

If you are a multi-pet household, keeping these pests at bay is that much more important: “Fleas and ticks also serve as vectors that spread a large number of diseases between animals,” says Dr. Klein. “So if you have more than one pet, your other pets will be at risk.”

That also means a multi-dog (or dog-cat) household will need to treat every dog or cat, not just the one who might have picked up the flea or tick. If you see a flea on one dog or cat, it’s likely all of your dogs (or cats—even indoor-only ones) could have them lurking in their fur. If you treat one pet, but you don’t treat the rest of your pack, the fleas and ticks can just hop—quite literally—from one pet to the next. Consistent and comprehensive flea and tick treatment for your household—and all of your dogs or cats—is key to controlling the problem.

Talk to your veterinarian and decide which prevention products will work best for your dog and be compatible with any other pets, your home, and your budget.

This article is intended solely as general guidance, and does not constitute health or other professional advice. Individual situations and applicable laws vary by jurisdiction, and you are encouraged to obtain appropriate advice from qualified professionals in the applicable jurisdictions. We make no representations or warranties concerning any course of action taken by any person following or otherwise using the information offered or provided in this article, including any such information associated with and provided in connection with third-party products, and we will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other damages that may result, including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.

Best Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs and Your Home (2024)


Best Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs and Your Home? ›

Collars such as Seresto will repel fleas and ticks, and even prevent ticks from attaching, but they must be applied tightly enough to have skin contact. Many topical options containing permethrin (e.g. K9 Advantix II, Vectra 3D) will repel and prevent tick attachment.

What is the most effective way to prevent fleas and ticks on dogs? ›

Collars such as Seresto will repel fleas and ticks, and even prevent ticks from attaching, but they must be applied tightly enough to have skin contact. Many topical options containing permethrin (e.g. K9 Advantix II, Vectra 3D) will repel and prevent tick attachment.

What is the absolute best flea and tick treatment for dogs? ›

Our vets agree Simparica is the best overall flea and tick medication for stopping fleas and ticks that latch onto your dog. Many of our veterinarians use Simparica® on their own pets.

How do I disinfect my house from fleas and ticks? ›

Quick Steps
  1. Treat your pets for fleas and ticks.
  2. Wash clothes, linens, bedding, and towels in hot water.
  3. Vacuum the whole house thoroughly.
  4. Spray in and around your home with insecticide.
  5. Vacuum, dust, and mop (again) 48-72 hours after applying insecticide.

What is the most effective flea treatment for homes? ›

Effective Treatments:
  • Foggers.
  • Vacuuming.
  • IGR flea sprays.

What is the least toxic flea and tick prevention for dogs? ›

If chemical products are necessary for additional flea or tick control, NRDC recommends s-methoprene or pyriproxyfen, which are less toxic ingredients—but read the labels carefully because some products use them with other, more harmful pesticides.

What do vets recommend for natural flea and tick? ›

Use food-grade diatomaceous earth

This is a great product for sprinkling through your pet's fur to prevent flea and tick infestations.

What flea treatment do vets recommend? ›

Bravecto is one of the best vet prescribed and recommended treatments for fleas and ticks which offer your pet 12 weeks of parasite protection while also effectively breaking the flea life cycle.

Which is better, oral or topical flea and tick? ›

A study published in Veterinary Parasitology seems to back up the veterinarians and flea product makers. The ninety-day study found that topicals were 88.4 percent effective, while oral treatments were 99.9 percent effective. There were 128 dogs from five states involved in the study.

What kills 100% of fleas? ›

Choose an insecticide that contains both an adulticide (kills adult fleas), such as permethrin, and an insect growth regulator (kills the eggs, larvae, and pupae), such as methoprene or pyriproxyfen. People and pets shouldn't come into contact with an insecticide or chemical treatment until it has dried.

How do I treat my house for fleas and ticks? ›

Controlling Fleas and Ticks Around Your Home
  1. Vacuum every day to remove eggs, larvae and adults; this is the best method for initial control of a flea infestation. ...
  2. Steam clean carpets: the hot steam and soap can kill fleas in all stages of the life cycle.
Jun 3, 2024

Is there a flea treatment that actually works? ›

Advantage® II for Dogs and Cats

It is known for being incredibly fast-acting as it kills all adult fleas within 12 hours of the first application.

What do vets give dogs to prevent fleas? ›

Topical flea medications for dogs and cats include:
  • Advantage II (imidacloprid / pyriproxyfen)
  • Bravecto (fluralaner)
  • Cheristin (spinetoram)
  • Frontline Plus (fipronil / methoprene)
  • K9 Advantix II (imidacloprid / permethrin / pyriproxyfen)
  • Revolution Plus (selamectin / sarolaner)

What kills ticks on dogs immediately? ›

Bleach: Bleach contains powerful chemicals that can instantly kill ticks. Place the tick in a small container that contains bleach. Rubbing alcohol: Rubbing alcohol can kill ticks for good. Once you remove the tick, put it in a cup of alcohol and cover it up with a lid to prevent the tick from escaping.

What is the best non prescription flea treatment for dogs? ›

  • Best Overall: Zoetis Petcare Simparica Trio » ...
  • Best Budget: Merck Animal Health Bravecto Chews and Topical Solution for Dogs » ...
  • Best Oral: Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health NexGard Chewables » ...
  • Best Topical: Ceva Animal Health Vectra 3D for Dogs » ...
  • Best Collar: Elanco Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Dogs »

What is the best natural flea repellent for dogs? ›

Combine 1 quart of water, 1 cup of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar, and 1 cup of baby shampoo or liquid dish soap. Use this mixture to bathe your dog once or twice a month. Vinegar kills fleas and ticks on contact and can prevent future infestations.


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